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Macao's first single large span steel truss structure construction project to complete the uninstall

Time:[2015-11-28]  Hits:4744

Macao's first single large span steel truss structure construction project to complete the uninstall

China State Construction Engineering Corporation, owned by the China State Construction International total contract, is responsible for the construction of steel structure and deepen the design, manufacture and installation of MGM Cotai hotel project sky steel structure project successfully uninstalled, marking the construction of the project construction body node is the most difficult to overcome. Guangzhou Steel

The project for the Hong Kong and Macao's first two-way saddle hyperboloid skew diagonal single large span reticulated shell structure, structural components of 1900 tons, the largest span of 140 meters, the projection area of nearly 1.5 standard football field. Before uninstalling using constructed three-dimensional finite element simulation analysis calculated coordinate data to uninstall the whole process of construction, and provide scientific basis for uninstalling security implementation guidance.

MGM Macau Cotai hotel development project is one of the landmark buildings in overseas construction projects China's "ten billion", which will become Macau's most upscale hotel features buildings. Guangzhou Steel

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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