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the advantages of prestressing steel

Time:[2015-9-23]  Hits:4882

Guangzhou Steel tells you: the advantages of prestressing steel

The main advantage of prestressed steel structure has four.

One is able to fully and repeatedly using elastic strength steel magnitude, thereby enhancing the carrying capacity of the structure. Bearing capacity of conventional steel is zero-stress state of the material from the beginning, and to terminate the force gradually loaded to achieve material planning strength, its carrying capacity is the sum of the various structures to withstand loads. The prestressing steel bearing capacity of prestressed began in negative stress state generated. After prestressing steel under load, material stress through negative → positive → zero stress stress stress → Planning strength, carrying capacity reaches final value structure. Therefore, the structure is made of a material bearing capacity, some progress from negative stress to zero stress contribution at this stage. Prestressing steel has repeatedly repeatedly stress from negative to zero stress under load process, therefore, it can contribute many times, and therefore have a greater carrying capacity. Guangzhou Steel

The second is to improve the structure of the force status, reducing stress peaks. For example, the flexural members peak moment, can strut through increased prestressing, some moments will be converted to an axial force. Therefore, the moment peak reduction and reduce the member section, and even the use of prestressed technology to create a moment of zero transverse architecture, such as cable domes.

Third, Guangzhou Steel can improve structural rigidity and stability, improve various properties of the structure. Prestressed structural deformation resulting deformation under load is often associated with the reverse, thus structural rigidity to progress. Due to structural changes Tendon Disposition and boundary conditions, can improve structural stability. Prestressed able to adjust the structure of the cyclic stress fatigue strength characteristics and progress. Reduce the structural weight and reduce seismic load, thereby enhancing its seismic function.

Four is possible to reduce the amount of steel and cost savings. Tap the potential of the steel strength, improve the structure of the boundary conditions, the sum of the advantages of optimizing the structure of the lever, cross-sectional dimensions, load-bearing structural system innovation, etc., must be reflected in the reduced amount of steel. In ensuring the structure-bearing and the use of functional premise, saving material consumption, reduce costs, is reflected in the event planners "low carbon economy" and "green building" concept in their own work. Guangzhou Steel

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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