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economic and examples of prestressing steel

Time:[2015-9-19]  Hits:4738

Guangzhou Steel teach you: economic and examples of prestressing steel


How economic prestressing steel structures?

Many elements of the economy and prestressed steel structural system category, Tendon Disposition program and technology, nature and intensity of the load, the structure and node structure, installation methods and materials prices and so on. Under normal circumstances, the choice of prestressing steel than traditional single prestressing steel can save 10% to 20% of the steel; selection repeatedly prestressing can save 30% to 40% of the steel. The prestressing innovation system architecture and the traditional steel structure is to save more than 50% or more. In short, the potential strength of structural materials, the higher selection prestressed economic benefits. For example, in the vicinity of the center of gravity axis solid web beam section contains a lot of strength potential, its economic year after the selection of prestressed lattice beam is much higher. Guangzhou Steel

What well-known at home and abroad prestressed steel works, how its economy?

Traditional architecture type of prestressing steel works, the proportion of savings less steel, for example, built in 1995 taeco airport hangar choices are lever arch, steel save 20% rate. Li ratio of profiled steel engineering saving more, for example, in 2011 the sports center built in Ordos cable dome is chosen, the amount of steel per square meter is 15 kg. Prestressing steel single province less steel, for example, in 1984, the stadium built in Tianjin Ninghe choice is quadrilateral flat grid, the provincial rate of 12 percent steel. Prestressed steel materials often save more, for example, built in 1994 in Sichuan Panzhihua City Stadium is repeatedly chosen prestressed reticulated shell, the provincial rate of 38 percent steel. Lattice structure of steel ratio smaller provinces, for example, built in 1953 in Brussels, Belgium airport hangar, the choice of a dual-span continuous truss, steel save 12% rate. The material is real potential for a large abdominal structures and materials is more, for example, built in the former Soviet Union in 1959, Rostov-Don highway bridge, the choices are more solid web girder span continuous steel save 18% rate. Guangzhou Steel

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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