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fireproof steel construction purpose

Time:[2015-9-16]  Hits:4086

Guangzhou Steel tells you: fireproof steel construction purpose

Construction of structures in our country which in recent years has been the construction of steel line to all ages, so in a lot of the construction of which, such as a single layer, multi-layer, factories, warehouses, waiting rooms, etc. will be selected.

Lounges and other selected steel are very common, but, as a construction material and steel structure housing, there are some unavoidable defect in the main surface of the fire, its mechanical properties such as yield point, tensile modulus of elasticity due to temperature etc. It rises sharply, steel is usually in the heat carrying capacity will be lost, a lot of episodes of deformation, resulting in steel columns, steel beams bent fire retardant coating results due to excessive deformation and can not continue to use.

Generally do not increase the protection of the fire resistance of the steel structure for 20 minutes or so, to make the steel material aspects overcome the lack of fire in practical applications, must be fireproof treatment, the aim is to improve the fire resistance of steel to the design specification limits, to prevent the rapid warming of steel in the fire attack deformation, which measures are varied, adopt different methods according to different circumstances, such as the choice of insulation, refractory steel barrier direct burning, reduce the speed of heat transfer postponed speed steel temperature, but whether to adopt conservation methods, consistent with the principle, not the same steel adopt different fire protection measures. So once the attack damage, protect life and property safety of people as possible. Guangzhou Steel

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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