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China Steel to go out

Time:[2015-9-16]  Hits:4540

Guangzhou Steel News: China Steel to go out

Recently, China further gains in Brazil, the largest single investment in the infrastructure sector, total investment to reach 44 billion euros, showing Chinese national strength in this regard, on the other hand, has proved China's strength in the field of construction engineering, has long been out the past by the situation of international aid skills.

In the bidding this time infrastructure investment in China and Europe and other developed countries to start full competition, whether from the Skill final advantage is still the price advantage, and have plenty of advantages, which had to mention this is getting more Chinese steel works Mature construction skills.

Steel skills very early on the European continent and now, in the last century the United States has become a mainstream construction skills, after the founding of China steelmaking skills due to limitations and steel production, steel construction skills of this advanced yet carry out, and foreign countries opened the infinite distance, and foreign periods compared to the amount of steel construction engineering United States and other developed countries are China more than tenfold. After the reforms, followed by adding Chinese steel production, the increasingly widespread use of open skills, whether in the field of academic research in the field is still a construction project, have been widespread concern in the industry, and to carry out engineering skills is also very fast. Guangzhou Steel

In recent years, with the strengthening of China's national strength, an increase in research efforts. China Steel acquired skills in the field and research has entered the advanced ranks in an international and comparative terms, there is a significant price advantage, which makes China's steel enterprises have strong competitiveness in an international . Especially in developing countries, frequently in the local steel companies continue to get large orders, but also, and railways, ships, heavy machinery and other steel related occupations dwarf Yi Chang, have been carried out considerable.

State Department and central agencies have also introduced a number of policies to encourage related businesses take their skills to go out to go overseas, "Gold Rush." So that China build on its international status. Guangzhou Steel

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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