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Yunnan introduction steel industry support policies

Time:[2015-9-9]  Hits:4755

Guangzhou Steel News: Yunnan introduction steel industry support policies

"Yunnan urban and rural construction and vigorously promote the use of steel construction, with 3 to 5 years time, establish a sound body and a steel construction facilities from design, production to installation of a complete industrial system." Yunnan Provincial Housing and Construction Office issued a full Province, the first for the steel industry support policies - "to accelerate the development of guidance for the construction of steel structures" (hereinafter referred to as opinion).

The views expressed, steel construction with good seismic performance, energy saving and other advantages, vigorously promote the development of steel construction industry, the construction industry is to promote the transformation and upgrading, construction of the main means to achieve industrial modernization.

Opinions requirements, later, for government-funded public construction, the leading affordable housing and shantytowns, municipal infrastructure projects new projects, priority should be built using steel technology and products. First to Kunming, Qujing, Yunnan Yuxi and New built using steel construction industry industrial model city.

"Thirteen Five" period, the province and strive to build a new public selection of more than 15% of construction steel, continuously improve urban and rural housing construction in steel use share. 5-10 families to support steel construction enterprises, foster families steel structure supporting the new building 10-20 backbone enterprises. Steel construction and construction-related signs of backbone enterprises in the green evaluation identified priority given skew research in science and technology funds, purchase or financial contribution to the government project first priority, priority access to government funds to support or subsidies. Guangzhou Steel

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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