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Guangzhou Steel News: steel market could become a new iron and steel industry to carry out engine

Time:[2015-8-15]  Hits:4511

Guangzhou Steel News: steel market could become a new iron and steel industry to carry out engine



Steel can be recycled use, compared to concrete construction, it does not produce environmental waste. In addition, the steel structure can also promote the implementation of the use of steel production transformation.

In recent years, the domestic market, steel prices had fallen. China Steel Industry Association executive vice president Zhu Jimin In the forum introduced since 2014 into 2015, not only did not slow the downward trend, but even more severe, the price index of steel induction of 83.09 points from the end of the end of June fell to 66.09 points , a decline of 19.7, it has surpassed last year's decline.

In this case, the implementation of the use of steel production capacity is considered to be resolved, one of the measures to promote the industry restructuring. For example, the Ministry press conference on July 22, the 黄利斌 said: "The Ministry will implement the use of steel and green building materials to the countryside, to promote the use of high-quality steel."

It is reported that steel in addition to environmental benefits, but also has a light weight, seismic performance, simple construction, short construction period, the level of industrialization of higher strengths.

    With steel reinforced concrete instead of soil, increased steel consumption is not much, but it can promote structural adjustment steel row, the construction industry, for our country's green development and sustainable conduct as a whole. Steel can be recycled after use, in fact, saving resources; the other hand, the main use of steel plate, H-beam and other steel products, these products and value-added technical difficulty are higher than rebar and other steel products.

However, the implementation of China's steel is relatively slow. Chi Jingdong told reporters, now mainly in the country's building of reinforced concrete structure of the main land, and in the building of developed countries 50% -60% of the part, of steel, steel capacity of China's steel consumption is only the entire steel consumption current 5% of the amount of mercy. Guangzhou Steel

At present, China Steel is also promoting the use of slow progress, although there is widespread use in the field of super-tall, long span space structures, industrial plants, etc., but the use in residential, urban construction is still vast room for improvement.

For the implementation of China's steel slower reason, in the past because steel demand, steel prices are higher than concrete, and steel production technology, types of specifications, equipment standards, both from the use of norms, steel construction design, standards, equipment is not perfect. Today, the technical level of steel greatly improved, and now the steel prices decline, the corresponding implementation of steel also has a price advantage, which create the conditions for the implementation of the steel structure. Guangzhou Steel

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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