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Guangzhou Steel News: Gap Analysis wooden structures and steel construction

Time:[2015-8-12]  Hits:4669

Guangzhou Steel News: Gap Analysis wooden structures and steel construction

1. Energy consumption comparison: After manufacturing, transportation and installation of energy loss were compared, the results show the wooden structure in several structures in the lowest energy consumption. Steel is 2.4 times that of wood structure.

2. Greenhouse comparison: The results showed that the lowest greenhouse wooden architecture. Steel was 1.81 times that of wood structure.

3. The air pollution index: The results showed that the wooden structure pollution index was the lowest. Steel was 1.42 times that of wood structure.

The water pollution index: The results show that the steel structure of the pollution index is 120 times that of wood structure.

5. Solid Waste comparison: The results showed that: Chalet reproduction and construction of solid waste generated in the process is minimized. Steel scrap is 1.36 times that of wood structure.

6. Use of Ecological Resources: The ATHENA comprehensive assessment, grab a wooden structure with the least resources, steel is 1.16 times that of wood structure.

The impact on the environment of building system - Conclusions: adverse effects on the environment minimal wooden structure. Guangzhou Steel

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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