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Guangzhou Steel News: Winter steel industry can grasp the opportunities it

Time:[2015-8-5]  Hits:4648

Guangzhou Steel News: Winter steel industry can grasp the opportunities it



Competition did not do, build first. Facilitate the holding of the Winter Olympics, Beijing a series of competition venues and non-competition venues, construction has begun. A series of investment transportation, environmental protection, thus driving have also been or are being launched.

According to the Olympic Winter Games budget, the budget game is about $ 1.56 billion to spend, government subsidies accounted for 6%; venue construction budget including competition venues and non-competition venues, including about $ 1.51 billion, $ 1.51 billion in 65% come from social investment.

On the other hand, a successful bid to host the Winter Olympic Games will also save the steel-producing province, the province's industrial structure pollution form a major impact, boosted province pace of industrial upgrading. According to reports, after the Winter Olympics Shen success, will environmental protection, eliminate backward production capacity as an important work. The next seven years, the province's steel production capacity is expected to decline by 38%, corporate concentration increased to 45%.

Successful bid to host the Winter Olympics, not only for Beijing, but also to give the joint development of Beijing, Tianjin and brought a major positive. As the 2022 Winter Olympics venue location snow project, Chongli County of Zhangjiakou City, formerly the backbone of the local economy is supported gold and iron ore, are now the tourism industry has become a pillar of the local economy. Guangzhou Steel

In the Olympic period, many new technologies and new industries will be "faceless" opportunity. For example, the steel industry has been lifted.

Steel accounted residence currently under construction in China less than 1%, while developed countries accounting for about 40% -60%, Chinese steel shelter raise huge space.

Year 2015 is the "second five" plan to wrap summarized various aspects of the situation, it is expected to target "five" plan difficult to complete. With green building, shelter and other industrial policy implementation and promotion of "Thirteen Five" will continue to increase the proportion of the steel requirements.

In fact, in the new town plan, has been proposed to increase the proportion of urban green new construction, in mid-March 2014, the State Council issued the "National new urbanization plan (2014-2020)", requires increased from 2% in 2012 to 50% in 2020.

Assume construction steel timber accounted for about 10% of the country's total output of steel, steel production remains unchanged average growth rate of 9%, a conservative estimate of construction steel in 2020 will reach 189 million tons of timber, the annual compound growth rate of about 25%. Among them, the steel structure of the residence compound annual growth rate will exceed 28%. Guangzhou Steel

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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