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Guangzhou Steel teach you: General Provisions splicing steel engineering components

Time:[2015-7-29]  Hits:4220

Guangzhou Steel teach you: General Provisions splicing steel engineering components

1, H-beam flange plate welded seam and web seam pitch, not less than 200mm flange plate splice length not less than 600mm;. Web splice width of not less than 300mm, length not less than 600mm.
2, a box-shaped member side splice length of not less than 600mm, the adjacent sides of the plate seam pitch of not less than 200mm; not splice plates in the width direction, when the width exceeds 2400mm really necessary splicing, the minimum width should not be spliced less than 1/4 of the plate width.
3, no special design requirements, hot-rolled steel may be straight mouth full penetration welding splicing, splicing a length of not less than 600mm.
4, take a long time for each pipe section is preferably a fitting room, take long length minimum should meet the following requirements:
(1) When the pipe diameter d≤500mm, not less than 500mm;
(2) When the pipe diameter of 500 mm <d≤1000mm, should not be less than the diameter d;
(3) When the pipe diameter d> at 1000mm, not less than 1000mm;
(4) When steel pipe rolling manner forming, by a number of joint, but the shortest length to take a long paragraph shall comply with the requirements of paragraph 1 to 3.
5, take a long pipe, the adjacent pipe section or longitudinal weld pipe sections should be staggered, staggered minimum distance (along arc direction) pipe wall thickness of not less than five times, and not less than 200mm.
6, parts welding seam design documents should meet the requirements, when the design No, you should use full penetration butt welds and other strong. Guangzhou Steel

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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