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Guangzhou Steel News: energy saving building a new

Time:[2015-7-15]  Hits:4628

Guangzhou Steel News: energy saving building a new "Steel demand" matrix

Strict control of new steel production capacity, no new independent iron, steel, hot rolled companies, steel companies each step must be fully equipped with energy saving facilities ...... Now, in the new version of "Steel industry standard conditions" were released as the steel industry suffering from oversupply, overcapacity pain while leaving business headache is energy saving "magic." Guangzhou Steel
Pastoral Wu Hu will not return? But, faced with drastic like saving rectification, many of excess emissions, excessive production of steel producers inevitably quietly weeping. And the chairman of a single silver wood eyes Hang Xiao Steel Co., Ltd., the energy saving steel prices just to bring the "tears of joy." "Raising the proportion of domestic steel green building is considered to be a more downstream linkage upgrade to resolve steel overcapacity, promote energy conservation positive path." Guangzhou Steel
Prior to that, "State Department guidance on resolving serious excess capacity confrontation" in the "expansion of domestic effective demand" project, which refers to "the implementation of steel used in the construction field, to improve the construction of public buildings and government investment in the field of steel used in a proportion, implementation of integrated housing and other light steel building with seismic and other natural disasters in the earthquake-prone areas. "" According to data projections, over the next 10 years, China's urbanization will enter a period of accelerated development, we will build a lot of houses and public facilities construction, will a large number of crude steel and iron ore needs will happen. "single silver wood told reporters.
Most importantly, steel is a veritable steel "big." According to industry estimates, the "five-second" period, China's steel amounted to about 50 million tons of steel; to "Thirteen Five", the steel construction steel can be increased to 70 million tons. If you add synergy to force policy and industry, the amount of steel can be expected when the steel exceeded 100 million tons. "Steel truly Tibetan steel in construction." Single silver wood that, the implementation of steel construction steel and other related businesses will no doubt be marked with a "tonic."
In addition, companies can take a ride funky green energy. The measure, if the industrial production of steel buildings spread in China, construction waste will be reduced by about 83 percent, data loss is reduced by about 60%, an increase of 60% recycled materials, energy saving up to 50%. In this regard, some experts pointed out that the steel itself as the emerging green building, through the "reduction, reuse, recycling, reduction of priority," the principle of circular economy development in the whole life cycle to maximize resource reserves steel promote the production of iron and steel industry, the rational and sustainable development, the same time with the national introduction of the green industry support policies, "a piece."
On this basis, the steel structure of steel prices is becoming a guest. "The state of high energy consumption and heavy pollution restrictions steel companies, is bound to promote the sound development of the steel industry, but also to the long-term collaboration steel companies and steel companies to bring a guarantee. This is not only business collaboration between enterprises, more is to discuss a mutually beneficial model. "Hangxiao Chen Rui, vice president told reporters. It is reported that after Hangxiao and Tangshan Iron and Steel Group Holdings Ltd. Tangshan plate material, Hunan Valin Xiangtan Iron & Steel Co., Ltd. have entered into a strategic cooperation, it is bold this mutually beneficial mode attempt.
Insiders suggested that resolving steel overcapacity approach can be more active with the market-oriented channel, and other substituted simple ban and block negative way, the current collaboration between the steel and steel prices provides a broad prospect. Guangzhou Steel

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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