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Guangzhou Steel News: Foreign steel structure to carry out the construction of industrial Situation

Time:[2015-7-11]  Hits:4874

Guangzhou Steel News: Foreign steel structure to carry out the construction of industrial Situation

Steel structure with seismic resistance, light weight, high strength, fast construction, etc., has been the dominant structure built in developed countries, it is widely used in high-rise, high-rise construction. In Australia, Britain, Canada, Japan, the United States, Finland, France, Sweden, Denmark and other countries, it has formed a considerable scale industrialization of steel structure construction system. Guangzhou Steel

Australia to Cold - formed light steel structure construction system mainly carried out in the 1960s, this system is mainly developed by BlueScope successfully and to develop relevant corporate standards. The system with its environmental and construction speed, a significant advantage and good seismic performance is Australia, USA, Canada, Japan and other countries are widely used. Australia, for example, the construction of large steel structure construction accounts for about 50% of all new dwellings.

Japan's industrialization live all wood construction, concrete construction and construction of three steel types, the late 1990s, the Japanese prefabricated dwellings constructed of wood 18%, 11% of concrete, steel and construction accounted for 71%. Japanese steel structure built mostly by the construction of large-scale integrated enterprise groups, all the components such as the water company (SEKISUI), Matsushita Housing (PANAHOME), these large companies will hardly be able to set up steel structure construction. More typical is the Sekisui House branch "water Haimu" (Heim) steel structure series of domicile, the entire process in factory production, high precision.

In the 1990s, the United States residence chosen steel structure is about 5%, has more than 40%. US multilayer hotels, apartments selection of light steel structure large, multi-layer light steel structure construction technology is a set of lightweight steel construction, the construction of energy-saving, building fire, building insulation, new materials, building design and construction in one integrated comprehensive technology. Steel structure built in Finland there are two systems, one is the choice of Termo keel light steel keel structure system, the other is the general steel frame system. Termo metal frame construction system with hot-dip galvanized thin-walled steel plate keel, due to increased thermal performance of the framework for the high latitudes of the Nordic countries to significantly reduce energy consumption, the other Nordic countries also use similar construction system. Such systems typically used in stand-alone residence.

Italy BSAIS industrialized construction system is a new system, new housing construction and the University of Genoa, Italy Steel collaborative research design, the build system looks new, rational force structure, seismic performance, construction speed, comfortable and convenient living office, the choice of CAD computer CAM-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing, in Europe, Africa, the Middle East and other regions many application. Guangzhou Steel

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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