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Guangzhou Steel teach you: measuring plane control Steel Works

Time:[2015-6-27]  Hits:4150

Guangzhou Steel teach you: measuring plane control Steel Works

1, the distribution network site plan guidelines Control Network
After the site plan control network should be fully taken into account in accordance with the guidelines planning position, shape and dimensions of the axis of the building, and the construction plan, site conditions, etc. OK, its distribution network guidelines:
1) control network should include as a starting point and a site targeted based on leading edge, buildings and the main axis of the main points.
2) To facilitate the application under test, using the (vertical control plane location and level) and the guidelines for a long time to keep, as much as possible parallel to the closed figure composed around the building, in order to close check.
3) control line spacing Guangzhou Steel to between 30m ~ 50m appropriate, shall pass, as the control point, transaction volume, its top surface elevation should be slightly lower than the elevation of the site plan, pile bottom below the frozen layer so long reserved .
Measuring method: grid plane control network, set up construction plane control with a small triangulation, establishing construction plane control wire measurements Guangzhou Steel knot. Guangzhou Steel

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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