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Guangzhou Steel news: the province's biggest

Time:[2015-6-17]  Hits:4494

Guangzhou Steel news: the province's biggest "steel structure" production line with an annual output will reach 200,000 tons

"Steel structure with seismic, light weight, high strength, short construction period, energy-saving and environmental protection features." Steel Construction Co., Ltd. entered the workshop, instructors are telling effect "steel structure" in the modern construction industry.

In March 2015, a "57-story building built in 19 days," the video on the network crazy turn, makes prefabricated construction in the form of "building block" type, or even residence industrialization enter the public eye again. October 28, 2014, in the steel construction company's welding workshop lit flower, Gansu Province, marking the largest steel structure production line officially put into the ignition.

Lanzhou New Bonded Warehouse project site, steel construction company only took three months will complete the construction of 12 single, total construction area of ​​170,000 square meters of construction projects. "This is a record in Gansu." Steel construction company general manager, said the amount of three months to complete construction of steel 17,000 tons, the equivalent of some small production company for three years, for example, 6,000 tons of four built Group, 18,000 tons to 3 years to complete.

The newly built steel structure production plant a total area of ​​130,000 square meters, annual output of 200,000 tons of steel structure. Plant constructed in two phases, a plant construction area of ​​62,000 square meters, 50,000 square meters of finished yard, to meet large, complex spatial structure of the factory pre-assembled steel requirements. An annual output of 100,000 tons of steel structure has been completed and commissioned. H-type light steel plant with a production line, double-wire submerged arc welding machine, heavy steel production line, Box production line, pipe truss production line, color plate, purlin production line, production lines are equipped with a CNC cutting machine. Steel structure production line equipment Lincoln welding power source and supporting wire system, equipped with three sets of double or twin-wire submerged arc welding machine arc box door automatic submerged arc welding machine, double cantilever double wire double-arc automatic submerged arc welding machine, ensure The processing speed of the welding process. The company has a variety of professional equipment, general equipment, machining equipment, testing equipment, a total of more than 800 Taiwan (sets), fully equipped, strong production and processing. Steel structure products include light steel structure, heavy steel structure, box beam structure, shaped steel structure, pipe truss structure, CZ steel structure, metal roofing, truss floor boards and the like. Currently, the formation of a seven steel construction qualification, plus a steel construction company's industrial structure. Guangzhou Steel

"The state promotes the residence industry and fabricated construction will be a big trend in the future of the construction industry, for steel construction company is also a rare opportunity." Steel construction company general manager, said implementation of the industrialization of the residence, to a large extent The company depends on the structure and prefabricated steel production and processing capacity. At present, the steel construction company has partnered with Xi'an University of Science and Technology, to prepare before the extension of the city was established in the country residence of industrial R & D design team, and actively looking for suitable projects and experiments carrier assembly.
Guangzhou Steel

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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