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Guangzhou Steel teach you: the construction of fire-resistant structure function analysis

Time:[2015-6-10]  Hits:4557

Guangzhou Steel teach you: the construction of fire-resistant structure function analysis

Structure and components temperature field
The higher the temperature, the more severe deterioration of the material features, temperature field structure and components is one of the main factors affecting the function of the refractory. Thermal functional materials directly affects the speed of heating member, thus determining the temperature field under fire structure and components of the distribution.

Refractory structure function analysis of the intent and criteria

Refractory structure function analysis of the intent is checking refractory functional configuration and components is not meet current standards requirements. Refractory structure function analysis are usually two ways: first checking the fire resistance of the structure and components of the demand is not meet the standards; namely fire temperature field for the second role in the fire resistance of the standard rules, structure and components carrying capacity is not greater than the load effect combinations. These two methods are equivalent.

Fire Resistance of demand

Fire resistance of demand components should follow the "construction design fire safety standards" GB50016, consistent "fire protection design of high-rise residential construction standards" GB50045 and other relevant national standards requirements.

FIRE RESISTANT member status design requirements

"The construction of steel structure fire technical standards" (GB issued) proposed structure and components based on the calculation of the anti-fire checking methods. The probability of fire is very small, is an accidental load conditions. Thus, under the fire of checking standard configuration can be relaxed. According to "the construction of steel structure fire technical standards" (GB issued), under fire were only checking the status of all the ultimate limit structure or member does not need to use the extreme conditions of normal checking. Carrying capacity limit condition of the structure include the following situations:

① axial force component section yield;

② flexural members produce enough plastic hinges and become variable tissue;

③ member all lose stability;

④ members continue to carry achieve suitable deformation. For a typical build structure that can only checking the carrying capacity of members for the important construction but also for the construction of the whole structure of the carrying capacity of checking. Guangzhou Steel

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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