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Guangzhou Steel News:

Time:[2015-6-6]  Hits:4510

Guangzhou Steel News: "building block" type steel construction with local norms
With the development of the housing industry, industrial production, such as "building blocks", as more and more high-rise buildings assembled. Reporters on the 4th learned from the Hunan Provincial Bureau of Quality Supervision, for fabricated steel construction, Hunan Province recently uncovered released three local codes.
It is understood that so far, the use of new construction in Hunan Province to build more than 850 industrial skills million square meters of construction projects, including office buildings, hotels, apartments, affordable housing, housing, villas.
Fabricated steel construction, and is known as the world's tallest building when completed will become the "Sky City" is the most striking. It is envisaged that the site Changsha "Sky City" of up to 838 meters, in addition to the foundation part of the construction, the construction period is only seven months.
"Fabricated steel construction norms recognized by the user, can really push the market." General Manager of Development "Sky City" project of a Technology Co., Ltd., said, "Sky City" fabricated steel through wind tunnel experiments and seismic tests, and also the need for repeated identification, test and evaluation. "Sky City" project will not stop progress, but it will do the procedure legal compliance, safety and reliability of skills.
Hunan Provincial Science and Technology Department Director of Housing and Construction Office, said foreign steel construction had already formed a mature skill, all these years with the lower cost of domestic steel, steel construction will have broader prospects for development. Guangzhou Steel
Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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