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Guangzhou Steel remind you: the steel component production, transportation, installation, fire protection and anti-rust attention to what matters?

Time:[2015-5-23]  Hits:4364

Guangzhou Steel remind you: the steel component production, transportation, installation, fire protection and anti-rust attention to what matters?

(1) Production: Steel production include loft, item number, cutting, correction and many other aspects. Friction surface treatment after the high-strength bolts, anti-slip coefficient should fit the design requirements.
Rust and paint quality inspection qualified post-production. Usually it means weld temporarily set aside 30 ~ 50mm coating.
(2) welding: welder must be qualified and pass an examination to obtain a certificate and must welding in its examination project and its scope of accreditation. After welding seam welder stamp shall be marked in the weld process and site requirements.
Welding materials and base metal should match, full penetration of a secondary weld ultrasonic testing should be used for internal defects inspection, ultrasonic flaw detection of defects can not be judged using radiographic inspection.
Construction unit for the first time steel, welding materials, welding methods, welding procedure qualification.
(3) transport: When transporting steel members, to use the vehicle according to the length and weight of steel components. Steel fulcrum member on the vehicle, the length and banding method ends projecting member shall ensure that no deformation occurs, does not damage the coating.
(4) means: steel apparatus according to the construction organization design, installation procedures must ensure the stability of the structure and does not lead to permanent deformation. When the device columns, each section of the column axis positioning control axis to be on a direct quote from the ground. After the steel columns, beams, roof trusses and other major structural devices in place, it must be corrected immediately fixed.
Friction surface member is processed by the factory, before installation must retest anti-slip coefficient, after passing the device.
(5) Fire and antirust:
1) fireproof performance is poor. When the temperature reaches 550 ℃, the yield strength of the steel to normal temperature yield strength of about 0.7, the structure that is to reach its intensity design value and damage may occur.
It should be designed in accordance with the provisions of the relevant fire code, so that the appropriate structures to meet fire safety standards. Fire safety standards within the required time, should make the steel temperature does not exceed the critical temperature, in order to ensure that the structure of the normal carrying capacity.
2) the exposed steel may be atmospheric, severe corrosion in particular by atmospheric pollution, the most common is rust. This surface of the member must be protected against corrosion, to ensure proper use of steel structures. Methods preservative treatment decisions based on member surface condition and service life requirements. Guangzhou Steel

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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