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Guangzhou Steel News: A city's first all-steel

Time:[2015-5-13]  Hits:4924

Guangzhou Steel News: A city's first all-steel "Harp appearance" two-tier bridge closure

May 10, 2015 in the morning, with the new harbor bridge main arch oblique wind bracing final piece closure, more than 20,000 tons of steel section of a city's first double-wide steel bridge segment is now installed in place, the overall appearance of the bridge now has taken shape, but also for the end of August this year laid the foundation for the opening of the viaduct surface.
As an important node in a city south of the city of East Central Expressway extension project, the new ramp Harbor Bridge as the all-steel double-Beam Arch of Bridge, overall appearance according to Chinese classical harp instrument for planning, total length of 1062 m, where 318 m long main bridge span arrangement for the north and south sides of each 69 meters across and 180 meters across the river. Upper and lower layers of the bridge can be opened to traffic, the southern extension of the Upper East Central Expressway phase, at 80 km / h speed planning, grass-roots way to the ground, two-way eight-lane bridge deck width is twice as old, beautiful outer type it and Precious Belt Bridge west pavilions. The entire bridge by a 334 size steel segment lifting splice end, like "building block", these steel sections heaviest nearly 200 tons, five tons of light, a total of more than 20,000 tons.
"The wind on the main arch bridge support total 15, the final piece of wind bracing oblique Harbour Bridge closure marks a key step is completed, the docking of the main arch is the hardest part of the whole project.'re Seeing now with the appearance of the bridge renderings almost. "The engineer in charge of construction, due to the all-steel, high docking accuracy requirements of the final closure of the bridge abutment standard precision error control in less than 15 mm, and the mercy of oblique Harbour Bridge and height error They are within 5 mm. "Next, we want to bridge the asphalt pavement, paint coating the whole bridge, and the construction fence, construction lighting, traffic safety under the project, with the opening of the East Central South extension of a project ready." Guangzhou Steel

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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