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Guangdong Foshan new landmark 153-meter comparable CCTV

Time:[2015-4-29]  Hits:5237

Guangdong Foshan new landmark 153-meter comparable CCTV "big pants"

Foshan City landmark "Square Tower project," the main project yesterday capped

Yesterday, as a way of Foshan new landmark cultural center "Square Tower project" ushered cap. The relevant responsible person said, will complete the construction work of its main parts Foshan Theatre within the next year in May, the premiere will start next year. The building, respectively, after the simulation test small, medium, large and extra large earthquake, seismic intensity reached 7 ℃. This has been a wonderful Chinese Academy of Engineering called the difficulty of capacity Bosheng Design Building considerable difficulty and CCTV tower building, overall up to 153.6 m, with its stunning white hollow window Fancy appearance and multiple sets of "Dancing with the cube" the formal structure emerge.

According to reports, this cube consisting of multiple sets of "Cube" building, used the "bias steel + steel support core tube," the double lateral force resisting structural system, of a total of nine brick buildings, four of which party body constituting the base. The most characteristic is the upper part of the five parties. The whole square tower including Foshan Grand Theatre, Foshan City Gallery, exhibition text three major functional areas of leisure, body made of 11,000 tons of steel structure, its heaviest single specimens of steel component weighs about 53 tons, The maximum cantilever length of 9.45 meters.

City Cultural Center is located in the eastern side of the podium Foshan Grand Theatre, the interior is spherical structure, the maximum structure height of 33.6 meters, including a 1,200-seat theater and a comprehensive professional about 500 square meters of function rooms. The west side of the podium, Foshan City Exhibition Hall, the maximum structure height of 28.3 m, including model exhibition, planning and construction of exhibition area and the city's history and architecture, and other major cultural exhibition hall. Wen exhibition leisure area Towers part of the tower building height of 153.6 meters, and has Foshan biggest art exhibition space.

The person in charge of project-related work Recommend that visitors standing on the platform at the top of the tower is located in the Office of Tourism at 135 meters, you can collect all Metro panoramic Foshan, ring 顾东平 river line Riverview, viewing the most wonderful effect.

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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