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Steel led the transformation and upgrading of green construction

Time:[2015-4-18]  Hits:4818

Steel led the transformation and upgrading of green construction

"Both gold and silver mines, but also the mountains; to see the landscape, remember nostalgia ......" Recently, the Politburo approved the "on accelerating the construction of ecological civilization of opinions" (hereinafter referred to as "Opinion" ), the meeting stressed that the construction of ecological civilization must implement green development, cycle development, the concept of low-carbon development, by Duocuobingju, multi-pronged approach, so often in the Castle, clean waters flow, air new, so that the people in a good ecological production and living environment.

The "views" refreshing "green" can be described in two directions from the production of green and green lifestyle, for the sustained development of the national economy and people's lives to live and provide more precise guidance. For the public, is to consciously practice low-carbon lifestyle, and for each industry in terms of national economic sustainable development, will have to build high-tech, low resource consumption, less environmental pollution, industrial structure and production methods.

As we all know, with the deepening of reform and opening up, China's industrial development is very rapid, on the one hand, the sustainable development of the economy over the years to give the "development dividend"; on the other hand, the increasingly severe environment is "diluted dividend." For this reason, when the construction of ecological civilization and speed the adoption of new technologies, promote the use of new industries, the expansion of the transition from one-sided to the balanced development of both economic development and pollution abatement, lead the transformation of the real economy, the upgrade will be "green One of the main issues "of.

Now, with the rise in steel construction as the representative of the new building industry, an advocate of wind energy saving ecological civilization construction industry is set off a wave of restructuring and upgrading.

It is understood that, as the main representative of green buildings, steel building in terms of energy saving and environmental protection: You can reduce the use of sand, cement, about 40%; and carbon dioxide emissions than conventional concrete is lower than 35%; to maximize conservation of resources reduce dust pollution construction sites, the impact on the natural environment is also small. This is for the development of steel as the representative of green building, for accelerating the construction of ecological civilization of great significance.

Also, because the steel housing is a "life cycle" of the building. Steel buildings from construction to demolition, from demolition to recycling, from recycling to reprocessing, from reprocessing to re-build, can achieve low-loss steel recycling. Once mass production, steel buildings can become a "steel storage warehouse", which is very fit for the actual needs of local governments to develop recycling economy, low-carbon economy and ecological economy.

For this reason, as a domestic leading enterprises in the field of steel construction, Hangxiao years focused on independent innovation, continuous improvement in the residential sector steel technology system and enhancing experience. Meanwhile, in order to give full play to the social value of self-developed steel residential technology industry Hangxiao first of its kind, and real estate companies on cross-sector partnerships, for industrial restructuring, transformation and upgrading provides a new way of thinking. Currently, Hangxiao been with Hebei, Xinjiang, real estate companies to start cross-industry cooperation, to provide technical support steel housing.

It is understood that technical support Hangxiao for real estate companies include construction of residential steel beam combiner technology system which has socialized contribution to the construction of low-cost, short delivery delivery, long life and other aspects of the comprehensive advantages, not only has the seismic characteristics, energy saving, environmental protection, materials, and in the overall construction cost than traditional residential advantage.

In this regard, Hangxiao single silver wood chairman said that as an increasingly mature business model, cross-border cooperation with the real estate business will accelerate steel residential floor in bloom all over the country, which not only helps to promote the transformation of the construction industry upgrade, but also will help to promote the construction of ecological civilization, and become an important force in the green, low-carbon sustainable development.

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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