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TISCO stainless steel high-performance green buildings help

Time:[2015-4-15]  Hits:4955

TISCO stainless steel high-performance green buildings help

Recently, held in Beijing on the 11th International Conference of Green Building and Energy Saving & New Technologies and Products Expo, TISCO "high performance stainless steel in the application of green building," the theme of the report, by the China Special Steel Enterprises Association Stainless Steel Branch and more than 180 domestic and foreign enterprises, research institutions attention to design units and deputations, everyone agreed to TISCO (000,825, stock it) steel booster Green Building and Energy Conservation prospects looking forward and confidence.

Green building refers to the entire life cycle of the building, to maximize the conservation of resources, protect the environment and reduce pollution, provide people with healthy, appropriate and efficient use of space, building in harmony with nature. "With low energy consumption and pollution-free manufacturing processes and production technologies, products can be recycled or recycling" is one of the salient features of green building materials. With the concept of green building and building energy saving concept deepening promote the use of stainless steel in the building has become a trend and direction of the construction industry. TISCO stainless steel production has the appearance of fine, high-performance, long life, corrosion resistance, high strength, easy to weld, easy maintenance, low cost, a number of advantages, such as green building materials should be recycled, green building in the development process has been widely applications. In particular duplex stainless steel for its high strength and good corrosion resistance, adaptability to complex environments with significant advantages, can adapt to the geographical differentiation characteristics, media, etc., to achieve better functional (such as antimicrobial, fire, etc. ) and lower life cycle cost, is the ideal choice for building walls, roofs, etc.. 2013, TISCO duplex stainless steel rebar used successfully in Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge, duplex stainless steel in China to achieve a new breakthrough in the field of architecture.

On the Expo, TISCO, Baosteel, Jiangsu Daming Metal Products Limited on behalf of steel companies exhibiting for the first time. TISCO stainless steel industrial park exhibits products, including stainless steel colored decorative plates and other crafts. Many architectural design and construction units to use TISCO stainless exhibitors had a keen interest in the exhibits they have stopped to watch, and marketing staff to consult with the company to negotiate.

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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