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The region's first steel high-rise affordable housing project built in Nanning

Time:[2015-3-21]  Hits:4939

The region's first steel high-rise affordable housing project built in Nanning

Recently, there has been a building in Changsha, Hunan wonders --19 days of the completion of 57-storey tower. Some people can not help but ask, "This is it possible to achieve it in Nanning?" The person in charge of city construction and management, said like building blocks to build commercial housing will soon become a reality in Nanning. This year, the city will continue to do experimental work of the construction industry, to start a pilot project, is expected to safeguard the region's first steel high-rise housing project will be the first built in Nanning.
Can significantly reduce the duration
"Construction parts and industrialization is the construction industry a new trend of mainstream technology, this model without scaffolding, save steel, concrete savings, reducing construction waste, shorten the construction period ......" Municipal Management Office Building Materials station person in charge , parts of modern industrial production is the use of technology for columns, beams, walls, panels, roof and even the whole bathroom, the whole kitchen and other construction components and parts, prefabricated components factory production to achieve, so that it can transport to the construction site. " building block "type of quick and easy installation of the assembly to complete building projects.
Parts of the building construction can reduce a common problem caused by the division - the municipal road construction, precast manholes used during construction can improve efficiency and reduce the duration; the use of prefabricated septic tanks in residential buildings can reduce infiltration common problem.
The person in charge of the main building is currently used in some cities can be built prefabricated modular steel technology, although the construction process is like building blocks, but in security is not a problem, mainly used in ultra-high-rise buildings.
Parts realize parts of
The city will promote a pilot residential parts, industrialization, in 2014 began to promote the technological maturity of mandatory pre-inspection wells, septic tanks, prefabricated building parts and other components. At present, many laying sewer pipe network is used in prestressed concrete cylinder pipe that building components. Subway tunnels deep underground construction, by which the ring is a ring segment was pieced together with retaining seal to protect the track, vehicles, security personnel.
The city will encourage and gradually guide the design department, components and parts manufacturers, construction of residential buildings on the side to carry out parts of learning technologies, standards, research and engineering practice, the introduction of appropriate preferential system, coordinate and solve the technical, financial and personnel configuration, support and guide the strength and the will of local enterprises for technological transformation.
Security room first to test the water
It is reported that the building housing the hall ready autonomous issued "Guidance on Promoting Guangxi modern construction industry," made great efforts to support the construction industry parks. This year, the city will continue to do experimental work of the construction industry, the real start a pilot project started, is expected to protect the region's first steel high-rise housing project will be the first built in Nanning.
At the same time, to guide the construction of high quality materials, by parts, industrialization, build the industrial chain, promoting the construction of industrial upgrading, bigger and stronger local businesses, enhance the city's construction quality and quality.

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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