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Foshan Steel News: 57-story building built in 19 days? Steel construction whole device selection method

Time:[2015-3-21]  Hits:5105

Foshan Steel News: 57-story building built in 19 days? Steel construction whole device selection method

This two-day, on-line a 57-story building in Changsha completed 19 days of news have burned numerous users thread message, have exclaimed, a little praise, but also questioned. 19 days will be able to build 57-story building? Such a building is not "rubbish" project? Safe and secure it?

■ ask

Built a really 19 days?

95% of the project amount is completed at the factory, 19 days is the "build" Time

57-story building built in just 19 days, then a video called "three-day, Chinese new normal" and the subsequent media coverage, the rapid formation of the popular online.

57-story building this building called "small day city", built by Hunan ambitious company can be built. According to reports, more than 200 meters tall, the building area of ​​180,000 square meters, including 3.6 km of pedestrian street, 19 10-meter-high hall, which can accommodate 4,000 people in the workplace and 800 homes. At that time, the building has been the end of the main cap, into the wall and the interior phase.

19 days is really built on it? Reporter linked to Broad Group President's Office responsible person, the person in charge, the choice of sustainable building modular building materials, 95% of the project amount at the end of the factory.

"Because a lot of the information is in the early pre-plant, precision can not be said to speak 19 days construction time, it should be device time because prefabricated spend a year or two." An insider said. The so-called 19 days refers to the removal of the strikes and rain, high winds, not construction time, the number of days to build a useful building above the ground, with 19 days 'build' to describe more precisely.

Yuanda Group spokesman also marked an interview, 57-storey 19 days of the completion of the argument is inaccurate.

2 "floor quickly" safe?

Construction side: similar buildings have been built dozens of buildings, "in line with national standards."

In fact, as early as 2011, Broad can be built using the same video means success "promote" over in Hunan Xiangyin County, a hotel building. This 30-story high-rise construction area of ​​17,000 square meters, due to the end of the "build" in 15 days, foreign media exclaimed, "China speed", was friends known as "floor quickly."

The beginning of reform and opening up, China construction enterprises in the construction of the World Trade Center buildings in Shenzhen, a record three days covered floor of speed, which in its time China is unique, and has been praised as "Shenzhen speed." As for the 57-story building built in 19 days at this rate, that someone exclaimed that "China's new normal" and even India netizens said, "as long as the Chinese people can do! Salute!"

But it was a rhetorical question: "Who dares to enter?" Some people believe that Chinese people do not lack speed, lack of quality.

Broad Group, the official said, starting in 2009, ambitious can be built at home and abroad have been built dozens of buildings such as buildings that meet national standards.

■ Foshan Steel experts say

Building "Safety should be no problem."

Reporters found that access to information, ambitious ever be built in 2010 with a location between the World Expo in Shanghai built a six-storey building. In June 2002, with the end of the six days in Changsha covering 610.83 square meters on a plot up to 50 meters high and a total of 15 layers of "New Ark Hotel."

"57 layers was the tallest building has been built." Ambitious to build media official said.

Some experts in the field of architecture marked, levy method with steel and the whole device is not unusual, in foreign countries have already been made. Hunan University School of Architecture Professor Su Liu told reporters that, in general, the city is through the construction planning, construction and other government departments are severely critiqued. From a security perspective, the ambitious building should be no problem, the parameters must be through strict accounting.

"This means building abroad thirty or forty years ago, and just more advanced technology, equipment faster and faster. Technically speaking, the 57-story building 19 days can be built into." Willow Su said.

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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