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Steel into the

Time:[2015-3-14]  Hits:5019

Steel into the "first mile"

Nowadays, with the macro into the new normal, construction enterprises generally felt the impact of fluctuations in the economy, in the increasingly fierce competition in the industry, construction and resource-intensive high and price trends and other factors, but also to related businesses feel the coolness. Currently, much attention is being held in two of the country in 2015. In a comprehensive deepening reform in key discussions on deepening the reform of the construction industry have begun to ferment.

Statistics show that in 2014 the domestic construction industry output grew 10.2 percent, the growth rate in nearly 16 years since the low. Some analysts believe that the future of the construction industry output will be single-digit growth, even "negative growth" is not alarmist. Some media in carding 2015 government work report 100 "dry" is found that this year the Government will implement the "Made in China 2025" program, persist in innovation-driven, intelligent restructuring, strengthening the foundation, green development, accelerating shift from a manufacturing powerhouse manufacturing . In this regard, the experts pointed out that this is also the release of the domestic construction industry, a strong signal transformation and upgrading, more technology value-added "green gold" era has arrived.

Steel building is a typical representative of green buildings. First domestic listed companies Hangxiao Steel Ltd chairman, told reporters the single silver wood, steel intensive development in accordance with standardized design, industrial manufacturing, integrated production, assembly of the construction, decoration integration, intelligent home, information industrialization of new construction management, industrial services and resource reuse development ideas and management models, to bid farewell to the traditional construction site manually. "The same area of ​​the concrete building construction sites, need 1000 workers, and if it is of steel construction sites only need 300 workers, and can not have a brick, a piece of wood."

Foshan Steel believes that in the construction industry, steel and other green building companies should serve as a new round of restructuring and upgrading of the "standard-bearer." Reporters learned that Hangxiao latest "steel beam combiner structure housing system" has been put into use, the construction of a 30-story steel structure housing, 75 days will be able to finish the main structure of the ride and the cap, while the traditional building process will take 2 years . "This will bring corporate finance, project management, human superiority in all aspects of labor, but also to promote the business model and industrial ecology under the conditions of the housing industry far-reaching changes." Single silver Wood said.

This year the central deep restructuring of the two sessions held before the tenth meeting of the need to "introduce a number of energy-known, stand before the masses recognized hard strokes are real" reform dividend release. A series of "hard trick real trick" played the green building market portfolio. "About to expedite the implementation of green building development implementation of views", "national green building program of action", the new "green building evaluation criteria" have been introduced, is helping steel and other green building into the market, "the first one kilometer."

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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