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Difference simplified structure and board structure

Time:[2015-3-11]  Hits:4462

Difference simplified structure and board structure

    Transverse shear should be evenly arranged symmetrically between the ends of nearby buildings, stairs, elevators building flat shape changes and load larger place and. Vertical shear zone should be arranged in the middle of the structural units. Vertical and horizontal shear walls should be arranged in groups in an L-shaped, T-shaped or lip. Frame shear wall structure combines the advantages of the frame structure and the shear wall structure, so the use of more high-rise buildings.
    Frame shear wall structure is generally used for reinforced concrete structures, and can also be used for steel frame and reinforced concrete shear wall mixed structure. In all steel structure, the shear is available instead of scissors Supporter, Supporter cut form the frame structure.
    Simplified structure evolution shear structure made by the cabinet, the cylinder surrounded by a shear box-section tubular space frame pepper called thin-walled cylinder barrel domain by dense column, composed like sorghum referred to simply purchase a dense column. Simplified structure can be divided into three categories, namely, the use of steel or reinforced concrete perimeter general framework, the framework of tubular structures in the middle with a thin-walled tube composed of reinforced concrete; the external use of steel or reinforced concrete dense cylindrical middle with reinforced concrete wall tube consisting book Simplified English Department; multiple steel or reinforced concrete cylindrical connected in parallel dense bundles simplified system composed. Tube structure is generally used in high rise buildings, the use of which shall be determined in accordance with a form of house style and use requirements.
    By connecting multiple floors and pillars overall system load-bearing skeleton, known as slab-column structure. Feature of this structure is that no beam interior space through open and bright, flexible layout, can reduce storey building, used for multi-storey factories, warehouses, public buildings, halls, underground construction, etc., can also be used in office buildings and residential .

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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