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The interpretation of low-carbon steel construction Legend

Time:[2015-3-11]  Hits:4756

The interpretation of low-carbon steel construction Legend

Science and technology has become increasingly sophisticated steel structures to maximize their advantages to promote effective protection. Compared with conventional reinforced concrete structures, steel structures due to lighter weight, high strength, not only when experiencing shock deformation displacement does not happen too much, but can also weaken the seismic waves, to ensure the safety of the building from the root. Steel and based on pre-designed computer program, which according to various parts of component production standard post-production assembly, will design and produce the perfect combination of rich architectural styles but also improve the efficiency of construction.
Because steel (highway pier) of their own advantages, which are used for super-tall, large-span building, not only to expand the people's living space and improve the quality of life, but also to ease the people will be less conflict, in line with available continued development of the concept, is truly green building. Especially in some medium-sized cities, in order to address the high cost of land requires the actual situation and people's living environment and living space proposed to promote the application of steel construction will be able to achieve faster urbanization. This is not only reflected in the steel high capacity, tightness good advantage, but also by energy conservation, green national policy decision. Steel (Highway pier) easier than the traditional structure demolition and material saving, high recycling rates, the external walls are also more environmentally-friendly materials such as fire retardant paint, tiles and other energy efficiency, thus reducing the high risk of pollution arising from the steel. Steel construction (road pier) is steel as the main structure of the building, usually made of steel and steel and other steel products made from a variety of building components, such as steel beams, steel columns, steel trusses, etc., and the use of welds, bolts or rivets connection, the components will be assembled into a complete structural system, which together with energy-saving light panels or tiles and other new materials as a peripheral wall built of. Along with social and economic reform and opening up and rapid development, China's steel production has also achieved a qualitative leap, is writing a new historical period building legend.

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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