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1. Steel parts and steel components processing requirements

Time:[2015-2-28]  Hits:4470

1. Steel parts and steel components processing requirements:
  Cutting surface or cut surface of steel, should be no cracks, slag, stratification and greater than 1 mm of missing edge, should fully checked.
Carbon structural steel at ambient temperature is below -16 ℃, low-alloy structural steel at ambient temperature is below -12 ℃, not cold cold bending and straightening.
Steel surface after the correction, there should be a clear concave or damage, scratches depth of not more than 0.5mm, and should not be greater than the thickness of the steel allows negative deviation 1/2.

2. Steel welding requirements:
  (1) Welder
  Engaged in steel welders welding work must obtain a certificate and pass the examination. Welders welding must pass the examination within its scope the project and recognized.
  (2) Non-destructive testing
  Design requirements for full penetration of the primary and secondary weld ultrasonic testing should be used to check the internal defects, ultrasonic testing can not judge when the defect should be used radiographic inspection, and testing its internal defect classification methods should be consistent with existing national standards regulations.

3. Fasteners Requirements:
  Steel production and installation of units should be required strength bolts were even anti-slip friction coefficient test and retest the surface, the friction surfaces of the scene should be a separate component for anti-slip coefficient test results should meet the design requirements.

4. Steel and steel component assembly installation requirements:
  (1) H-beam flange plate welded seam and web seam spacing of not less than 200 mm.
  (2) cranes and crane girder trusses in place after installation should not be under the scratch.
  (3) multi-section column installation, locate the axis of each section of the column should be drawn directly on the ground to control the axis, the axis must not lead from the lower column, to avoid excessive accumulation of errors.
  (4) After completion of the steel truss structure and the overall fight after completion of the roof should be separately measured deflection, deflection, and the measured value shall not exceed 1.15 times the corresponding design values.
  (5) paint, painting several times, coating thickness shall meet the design requirements.
  (6) a thin coating fireproof paint coating thickness shall comply with the relevant requirements of the fire resistance design.

5. Steel Division project completion and acceptance requirements.

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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