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Steel shantytowns improve the utilization of funds

Time:[2015-2-11]  Hits:4873

Steel shantytowns improve the utilization of funds

Vigorously promote measures from the central bank currently establishments, such as the Department of Housing and Urban shantytowns perspective for the coming period, slum upgrading District will be the focus of government work. Meanwhile, the government's emphasis on shantytowns, funding and easing will lead to greater market opportunities for related businesses.
Data show that from 2008, China began to enter the studio to change housing construction "buildup" stage. Recently, the People's Bank of China also supplemented by mortgage lending (PSL) to provide long-term stability of 1 trillion yuan, an appropriate amount of funds the cost of financial support for the development of shantytowns. Analysts believe that vigorously promote measures from the central bank currently establishments, such as the Department of Housing and Urban shantytowns perspective for the coming period, slum upgrading District will be the focus of government work. Meanwhile, the government's emphasis on shantytowns, funding and easing will lead to greater market opportunities for related businesses.
Bonus disappear leaving hard nut "bones"
Reporter survey found that today's construction costs shantytowns, relocation costs have greatly increased financial pressure change shed increasingly prominent. And with this corresponds to that of local government revenue growth slowed, the cumulative debt significantly increased, the case of a subsequent financing capabilities to the test, and to raise funds shed change difficult.
Some analysts believe that the central bank to provide funding for the development of financial support shantytowns, continued warming policy efforts shantytowns above reflects the enormous pressure from the side. Deputy Minister of Housing and Urban-Rural Construction Qi Ji said recently that banks and other financial institutions to shed change "blood" is important, but also the pursuit of maximizing the efficiency of fund utilization, the money used in the "cutting edge" on.
However, the current construction industry has long been out of the "low cost and high return" bonus period, long construction period, high employment costs related businesses have horns dilemma dangerous place, and this hard nut to "Hard", is used to solve the funding in the "cutting edge" on the key.
"Green" starts, the count, the more earnings
In this case, the industry recognized "more, faster, better and cheaper," the steel building, once again into the spotlight.
It is reported that steel construction due to light weight, low cost basis, construction speed, can be put into operation as soon as possible, the overall economic efficiency is much better than concrete structures. Since all components are prefabricated at the factory, the scene simply "building blocks." In Hangxiao independently developed "a combination of structural steel beams residential system" for example, the use of "steel beam" technology system, the construction of a 30-story steel structure housing, 75 days will be able to finish the main structure of the ride and cap. "Steel housing project construction period is short, the investment cycle is short, you can give full play to the role of central banks in the amount of funds to support the shantytowns project also led to the development of enterprises chain." Hangxiao Sui vice president, told reporters the country does not less steel companies it has provided support in slum upgrading zones.
Shorten the development cycle, increasing the utilization of funds, so that residents early "out of the shed into the floor", are "visible" books; and steel and other green building in the rear, there is an "invisible" green books. "Steel building in the whole life cycle, to maximize energy, land, water, materials, protect the environment and reduce pollution, provide people with healthy, appropriate and efficient use of space, can be described as the count proceeds more . "Sui said.

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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