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Foshan Steel Description: Steel

Time:[2015-2-4]  Hits:4459

Foshan Steel Description: Steel

1, the steel as an ideal plasticity, is in accordance with previous fy ideal elastic steel exile after fy, plastic strain and stress remain the same large-scale near-perfectly plastic.
2, sincerity tension members should care about the strength and slenderness ratio.
3, oblique batten batten sincerity sincerity strut compression members can care about, but the strength of steel design value is multiplied by the reduction factor to account for inter-lacing bar and adjoining sub-sided partial limb pain affected.
4. withstand a static load of solid abdominal bending and bending member when the plastic hinge section showing that the ultimate strength member is reached.
5, residual stress has no effect on the static strength members.
6, pressure-type high-strength bolts can be used to withstand static loads or dynamic loads by Habitat structure.
7, structural steel roof truss support system must be provided with lateral support winding, vertical support, tie bars, in order to ensure the integrity of the roof structure, spatial invariance; lateral compression chord support points; the commitment and delivery perpendicular to the plane of the truss load; constant and convenient roof truss installation.

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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