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Foshan Steel shantytowns built steel construction funds difficult questions or can effectively solve

Time:[2015-1-28]  Hits:4849

Foshan Steel shantytowns built steel construction funds difficult questions or can effectively solve

Recently, the People's Bank of China also supplemented by mortgage lending (PSL) financial support for the development of shantytowns, the amount of money supply 1 trillion yuan. Easy to see that the coming period, will be the focus of shantytowns work of government departments. Meanwhile, the government's emphasis on shantytowns, funding and easing will lead to greater market opportunities for related businesses.

Now shantytowns construction costs, relocation costs have been greatly improved, the financial pressure change shed increasingly prominent. Local government revenue growth slowed, follow-up financing capacity is affected, raising funds shed change difficult. Funds less heavy task, shed reform work now facing "make bricks without straw" dilemma. Department of Housing and Urban leaders said recently: and banks and other financial institutions to change the supply of funds shed Equally important is the pursuit of maximizing the efficiency of fund utilization.

In this case, the construction of the steel structure once again into the spotlight. Because of light weight, low cost foundation, construction speed, can be put into operation ahead of schedule, much better than the overall economic efficiency of the construction of concrete structures. Experts point out that the use of steel structure construction is "like making cars, like a house built."

Vice President Hangxiao Sui told the author, in the conventional bank loan real estate company controlled conditions, the use of Hangxiao "residential construction steel beam combiner system" demonstration projects and the protection of housing construction, will bring significant demonstration effect, social effect policy effects.

Shorten the development cycle, increasing the utilization of funds, all belong to a visible advantage, and after that there do not see the advantage of the short term. "Steel structure built in the whole life cycle, to maximize energy, land, water, materials, protect the environment and reduce pollution, the supply of healthy people, suitable and efficient use of space, can be described as the count proceeds more . "Sui said.

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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