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China's steel industry development prospects

Time:[2015-1-22]  Hits:4781

China's steel industry development prospects

     Steel is widely used, particularly in the construction sector, a significant advantage of steel construction

     Our annual production of about 55% of steel used in the construction industry, including steel plants, high-rise steel, steel public buildings and multi-storey steel, construction steel production accounted for in the order of 51%, 20%, 17% and 12%. With the application of artificial materials costs rise and new materials, steel housing will gradually promote the open.

     Policies to encourage and support the development of the steel industry sector

     Steel building industry has already been included in the "current national focus on encouraging the development of industries, products and technologies directory", "high-tech industry key field guide national priority," is one of the key support of the industry.

     China's steel industry development prospects.

     At present, China's steel output accounted for about 4% of total production of crude steel, construction steel accounts for about 8% of the total construction steel, the steel industry in developed countries the proportion of total crude steel production accounts for more than 10% have been achieved, construction steel the proportion of the total amount of steel structure construction of more than 30%, a huge space for the development of China's steel industry. We demand from the market, respectively, accounting for two angle steel and steel capacity is calculated on the market, in 2015 the capacity of the steel market in 2010, based on double to 600 billion yuan, an average annual compound growth rate of about 15 %.

     Future industry concentration remains to enhance professional management coming era.

     China's steel industry concentration compared with other countries there is still room for improvement in the overall manufacturing capacity installed at the same time enhance the competitive landscape takes on professional management, many companies in the industry disorderly competition period has ended, after a fierce competition in the formation of the first tier companies have to shape their own brand through professional management position in the industry, thereby forming a barrier in the various market segments, we believe that the first tier enterprise gross margin trend has been bottoming out.

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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