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Foshan Steel: General provisions hoisting steel construction zone safety

Time:[2015-1-14]  Hits:5113

Foshan Steel: General provisions hoisting steel construction zone safety

1, lifting the region should set the security cordon, non-operating personnel is prohibited from entering.
2, lifting objects hanging from the ground 200mm ~ 300mm, should conduct a comprehensive inspection, and after the official confirmation should be lifting.
3, when the wind speed reaches 10m / s, should stop lifting operations; when the wind speed reaches 15m / s, not lifting operations.
4, high-altitude use small hand tools and small parts of measures should be taken to avoid falling.
5, the construction of electricity should be consistent with the current industry standard "construction site temporary electrical safety technical specifications" of the relevant provisions of JGJ46.
6, the construction site should be professionals responsible for the installation, maintenance and management of electrical equipment and power lines.
7, a day hanging on to the floor or roof components not finished when installed, should take firm measures to temporarily fixed.
8, the pressure plate surface water, ice, frost or snow, they should be promptly removed and shall take appropriate measures to protect non-slip.

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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