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Xiamen Tzengtsu "fish bone bridge" will be put into use this month as the new King of the road around the island

Time:[2015-1-4]  Hits:5219

Xiamen Tzengtsu "fish bone bridge" will be put into use this month as the new King of the road around the island

In Tzengtsu cultural and creative village intersection, a style unique pedestrian bridge under construction - its shape like a fish bone, but also like the structure of a traditional fishing boat, because "sitting on" the local fishing village a hundred years of history, and was known as the "fishing bridge. "Expected late this month, this "Fishing Bridge" will be completed and put into use.

Green city center road maintenance reports, this footbridge commence construction in early October 2014. During the design phase, the flyover will be fully integrated to the local culture, but also want to be the "new King roundabout way," so, "Fishing Bridge" program to the fore.

Yesterday reporter on the scene saw the body "Fishing Bridge" has been completed, the main beams of profiled steel, smooth linear and "maw" design, looks full of "fish" feeling. "This style of construction with a certain degree of difficulty, for example, in order to achieve a smooth linear, cross-section of each section of steel beams are not the same." Scene official said.

According to the plan, late this month, this "Fishing Bridge" will be completed and put into use. I hope you can help the parties bridge Tzengtsu excavation fishing village culture, expand fishing village tourism.

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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