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Steel construction steel prices ready era

Time:[2014-12-13]  Hits:5050

Steel construction steel prices ready era

"All steel construction Lijiang national secondary schools, secondary schools Yulong renovation project received by the community." In a recent meeting of the "2014 (second session) of the steel industry multi-industry Development Conference" on the Kunming Steel, executive vice president Zhao Yongping said.

In recent years, with the accelerated development of urbanization in China, the contradiction between the traditional extensive mode of concrete buildings and the environment become more prominent, and the affected earthquakes and other natural disasters, and people's quality of buildings have higher requirements. Multiple requirements of environmental protection, energy saving, safe, so it is natural to look into the wide range of applications in foreign countries while domestic still in its infancy excellent seismic performance of steel and other building in the past.

"Steel is a steel production-oriented structures, and has many advantages compared to other structures." Associate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, North China University of white star said the high steel strength, good ductility and toughness, with strong seismic performance, dynamic loading capacity and ductility. For the seismic performance of steel construction, the president of the China Construction Metal Structure Association Yao Bing same recognition, high-strength steel, light weight, good ductility and toughness, good overall seismic performance, seismic intensity under the same conditions, the steel structure housing the earthquake harm to be more reinforced concrete structure housing the damage is much smaller, is recognized life ark.

Huge concrete building energy consumption and high green building space

For a long time, generally rely on traditional architectural concrete, energy consumption and recycling problems, how to find more environmentally friendly construction materials has become the latest issue of the Green Revolution.

"In our country consumes a lot of cement and steel, but also generated a lot of construction waste." Hsiao Zhejiang Hangzhou Steel Co., Ltd. Chief Engineer Fang Hongjiang said. In recent years, stealing down, pour strong construction waste was uncommon event. According to statistics, in 2012 China produced 1.5 billion tons of construction waste, we understand the need 10,000 tons of construction waste accounts for 2.5 acres of land, estimated annual production of 15 million tons, China's annual construction waste will be an area of 37.5 acres, 38 West can do the same landfill.

Data show that in 2013, the country's total energy consumption of 3.76 billion tons of standard coal, building energy consumption is only nearly 11 million tons of coal, a veritable pollution "big", and our existing buildings, about 95% belong to the high energy consumers. Energy saving and environmental protection, sustainable development has become a social consensus, for which the Ministry of Housing has issued a "green building program of action" and other policies simultaneously support multiple green building industry.

Only stepping out of the traditional mode of concrete buildings behind, and vigorously promote "green energy" green steel building production model, in order to crack the root causes "of construction waste Fortress Besieged" dilemma, secretary general of China Steel Association, said Liu Wanzhong.

Currently, a typical example of China's steel in the energy, transportation, petrochemical, water, machinery, housing and urban construction in the application there are many, but mainly to resolve difficult or reinforced concrete span higher cost, tall, heavy upload and lightweight containment systems. Compared to developed countries, residential steel buildings in the whole more than the proportion of 50-60%, significantly lower proportion of our country.

2012, the national housing construction area of 5.7 billion square meters, while only about 6% of steel buildings. The past two years, although some development, but still on the low side. Recently, the vice president of the China Iron and Steel Association, Qi Wang released a set of data, the construction of steel buildings in the country as a whole, the proportion is less than 10%.

Steel building efforts to support the arrival of the era of overweight

In mid-March 2014, the State Council issued the "National new urbanization plan (2014-2020)", which refers to the proportion of urban green new construction in 2012 from 2% to 50% in 2020. The 2012 introduction of the "Implementation Opinions on Accelerating the promotion of green building development", the goal is simply to upgrade to 30%, the extent of the current government on the importance of green building dramatically.

At present, Shanghai, Qingdao, Hunan, Xiamen, Anhui, Nanjing, Shenzhen and other places, have introduced capital subsidies, increase the proportion of policy support and many other green building development plan. "Steel construction will usher in the best opportunities for development. In recent years, a number of government-funded construction of steel structures for the degree of attention has been greatly improved. Now, the government during the construction time will give more consideration to environmental protection and sustainable development and other factors, to the development of the steel industry which brings opportunities. "Liu Wanzhong representation.

Steel demand growth

In recent years, the steel industry suffering from oversupply, suffering from excess capacity. China Iron and Steel Association Vice Chairman and General Zhang Changfu In the multi-industry conference that the steel industry from the situation, while the yield is high, while the weak market demand, oversupply of steel is currently not contradictory get effective mitigation.

1-9 months, the national communist 618 million tons of crude steel, an increase of 2.34%, while the increase in production at the same time, the social consumer demand fell, the country's crude steel apparent consumption was about the same period of 560 million tons, down 5.16 million tons, fell 0.9 percent, and business inventories rose over the same period, an increase of 780,000 tons. Overall, serious overcapacity, oversupply situation has not changed, iron and steel production and operation of enterprises are facing the situation is still grim.

In order to survive and develop, in addition to the elimination of backward production capacity, cost efficiency do outside of work, the steel industry is an urgent need to develop new market growth. Steel and Steel will undoubtedly help alleviate the "Steel demand" sluggish. Data show that in 2012 China's annual production of about 35 million tons of steel, steel accounts for about 5% of steel production in the proportion of the year, but the arrival of the era of steel construction, steel structure indicates that the market has a huge demand for steel space.

Steel prices closely diversified development

Steel construction steel demand will not only bring new growth point, it should be closely integrated with the steel companies diversified development.

Scientific planning the layout of multi-industry development is to promote the future of the iron and steel enterprise restructuring, transformation and upgrading of the inevitable choice, Zhang Changfu said that the development of diverse industries around the main business is the production of iron and steel enterprises to service-based development model, there is an inevitable trend of manufacturing to service transformation .

Kunming Steel Steel Company, a joint engineering company in Beijing, Guangzhou Research Institute of strength, the company set up steel buyers, marketing materials, energy saving, environmental protection, short construction period of steel buildings, open up people's livelihood steel consumer market, Zhao Yongping introduction said real estate companies jointly cool steel steel steel Company, engineering and technology company, actively expand outwards market, 2013 revenue of 620 million yuan, 164 million yuan of profits.

Steel prices ready?

Steel industry ushered in a rare strategic opportunity for development, but in the process of promoting the stability of costs and product quality has always been two problems to be faced.

Currently, the field of application of a one-time cost of civil construction steel is slightly higher than traditional building methods. But in the raw material prices are low, lower steel prices trend lower, cost issues are being resolved. Cost structure with traditional concrete building has been very close to, or even lower than the cost of 30-storey building, and with the changes in the structure of the labor force, and gradually increase the degree of industrialization and construction, cost pressures are expected to decline further.

Steel structure with high-strength steel quality stability has also led to some concern in the industry. It is understood that the newly revised "Steel Design Code" added Q460, but the country can supply consistent quality products business handful Q460, a higher level such as Q550, Q690, such as product quality stability is even more worrying. While most steel companies and equipment are good, but also mainly the stability of the product, 刘万忠 said.

On the iron and steel industry, in addition to the current difference in the Steel, Baosteel, most steel prices have not yet deeply layout steel market, the steel industry needs to act quickly.

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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