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Rudbeckia giant ball coming out of Shanghai Chrysanthemum Show

Time:[2014-11-22]  Hits:4946

By Xinmin Evening News, Shanghai est Forest Park jointly organized the "Old Phoenix" 2014 Shanghai chrysanthemum exhibition exhibition has more than half, in addition to much more than 800 kinds of high quality Mingte picking daisy Chrysanthemum Tea with heat tourists like special events, ten thousand chrysanthemum exhibition in rhyme, "sunrise" three-dimensional attractions from the city of Kaifeng chrysanthemum, also sparked a wave of unrest posed for pictures. Rhinolophus dotted by 16800 Rudbeckia giant ball made of nearly three meters high, reaching 12 meters in diameter, body mass endless, magnificent. In front of this big guy, tourists or pointing country, or embrace the "sun", or use the currently most fashionable dislocation shooting, this round of the "sun" care in the palm of the hand. This fall, after reading Rubber Duck, Huang Ju look at the big ball, really a enjoyable.

According to the park experts from national production Ju resorts, Bianjing Kaifeng Chrysanthemum giant ball, is crafted from Kaifeng Chrysanthemum Association, on behalf of the National Chrysanthemum landscaping high standards.

Foshan Steel panorama using plastic, both to ensure the Chrysanthemum Ball prototype natural and smooth transition, but also makes the overall structure is more stable. At the same time the use of advanced control techniques, making 16,800 long daisy bloom together at the same time, very visual effects. This week, it will reach nearly ten thousand best flowering chrysanthemums.

Pine Bush in a large pool surrounded by lawn, clever use of Forest Park's unique ecological advantages of scenery, clever use of light refraction and reflection in the water, so that different time, chrysanthemum ball will show different colors. Autumn dawn, warm sunlight on the surface daisy ball, with tall pools Pine Bush shed mottled light and shadow, creating a picture of the rising sun. By the evening, under the sunset rendering, chrysanthemum ball turn into a red-orange, like the half-round sun, the lake slowly falling since the Swan Pond. In the autumn weather, hazy daisy ball rolled down, letting her become a moon ......

Natural light makes gorgeous colorful chrysanthemum ball, artificial design also adds a different kind of her charm. At the bottom of the main structure, nearly all types of chrysanthemum pots decorations became colorful clouds with flowers, venue for King, from the side or the front of a different perspective in the past, clouds of ornamentation will also change, it may be tourists to come experience something. Ju ball on the left, pulled by two horses Ferghana BMW built the Egyptian master Han bamboo style carriage, facing the "sunrise" horse galloping. In chrysanthemum ball right bank, "leisurely Nanshan" attraction with this round of "sunset" away with shine. Long trail leading to the top of the hill, white birds flying in the air, surface waves Green, flowers, mountains, lakes ...... just like a romantic three-dimensional landscape. Various attractions of both its own unique meaning, and other attractions also be linked, so that the spirit and flavor is more rich and vivid, and this is a major feature of this Juzhan of Shanghai.

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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