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Thin fireproof coatings surface treatment and storage methods

Time:[2014-11-1]  Hits:4846

    There are significant fire insulation, moisture, gas, anti-corrosion properties. Widely used in refractory hour ≤2.5 hours of indoor and outdoor construction and fire protection of steel structures. Early fire preparedness and mitigation of fire stretching expansion, thin fireproof coatings is the use of new technologies developed road from a new fire-resistant coating. Its characteristics are generated in a fire uniform dense sponge-like foam insulation. The protection of national and people's lives have primary insurance industry mean.

     Particularly suitable for the protection of steel exposed to the stadiums and industrial plants in use: thin fireproof coatings is important for use in industrial and civil buildings of steel and steel products, such as indoor fire broken by destroying objects with greater fire protection. Effective refractory steel forward to implement the request of building an imaginary fire safety standards, but also has a good decorative results.

     Construction request

     Thin fireproof coatings details treatment:

     Sa2.5 scale reached by sand-blasting, coating substrates details fireproof coatings of steel should be strictly in addition to water, rust. Hand rust reach st3 level and above. Details rust completed using alkyd or epoxy rust red lead as embalmed.

     Construction methods:

     Also may be low pressure airless spray. Necessary to comply with the fire resistance of the direct points over the painting, can be roller or brush. Pending before the coating is dry again and then painted over after. The coating must manipulate manipulate fire when closed topcoat to prevent rain and high humidity environment for fire retardant coating crushed consumption of 0.25kg / m2. Before manipulation should stir until no sediment. Relative humidity less than 85% is appropriate when the coating application.

     Coating thickness: Every Road retardant paint coating wet film thickness should ≤250um.

     Painting Distance: dry (not sticky to touch)

     Dilution cleansing: 2001 Special diluted cleaning agent.

     Or by product qualities custody institutional arbitration. If still comply with the technical standards, acceptance delineated rules: When manipulating thin fireproof coatings units such as the character of a product is found not to comply with the provisions of this standard jointly re-examination by both parties. Manipulation has the right to return.

     Marking, transportation, packaging, storage:

     Unused paint to re-seal the package, prepare dry for reuse under this standard for transport and storage conditions, the production date of the product, the storage period is one year. The outer wall of the tank should mark each product, affirmed that the product title, batch number, production unit title, location, date of production. Cans sealed packaging, net weight per can for 20kg, deposit them in a cool, well ventilated place rigid. Product transport should prevent rain, sunlight, moisture intrusion and attention to sealing.

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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