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Shenyang New 144 sanitation workers rest room

Time:[2014-10-25]  Hits:4743

October 25, Foshan Steel from Shenyang City Sanitation Department was informed that, in order to further improve the sanitation workers' working conditions and the rest of this year, Shenyang will build 144 sanitation workers rest room. To the present, has been completed and 48, and the rest is inverted schedule, pay close attention to the construction, and strive to fully built and put into use before the end of the year.
It is understood that this new rest room sanitation workers were using new materials, including: precast construction rest room 104 (38 levels), steel structure movable rest room 40 (24 levels). Rest fully equipped indoor tables and chairs, wardrobe, microwave ovens, water dispensers, electric fans and other necessities, a large rest room is equipped with a toilet according to the conditions, washbasins, water heaters, electric kang and other facilities.
It is understood that over the years, in addition to the construction of sanitation workers to rest outdoors, the relevant part of the extensive collection of sanitation workers also love the inn the whole of society through the media, and to mobilize urban construction and urban management system units open sanitation rest inn, take practical action to care for front-line sanitation workers work and life. Currently, in addition to the new 144 rest outdoors, the city's districts existing rest room 120 sanitation workers, street units, businesses open free sanitation love coaching inn, the inn to rest more than 200.

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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