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Steel construction equipment safety skills

Time:[2014-9-27]  Hits:6306

Steel construction safety equipment production skills are as follows:

1 using a mobile crane lifting member, shall determine the crane out of the scene of the road and working crane two addresses and working height requirements, the boom length and working radius.
2 cranes should be erected on a flat solid ground, if the place does not meet the conditions set up conditions demand, should be based on site conditions, the person in charge in the skills of planning and guiding the choice of pad or use roadbed sleeper boxes and other measures.

3 cranes erected the end, you should check whether the feet firm, if the foot is not completely stretched out, should practice elongation computing machine stability, in order to determine the starting weight, avoid instability occurring incidents.

Before 4. work should be empty load test run, make sure the engine is working properly, clutches, brakes and various safety equipment vibrant, solid, before work.

5. lifting objects, respond to members strapped firm, selected lifting point.

6 ways to use other lifting, bondage ropes, pulleys, rope and other necessary use of spreader fit GB 6067 "crane safety regulations" requirement.

7 steel equipment staff work at height, it is necessary to abide by JGJ 80 "height of construction work safety skills norms" and the relevant requirements of Chapter IV of this book.

8 steel equipment at the scene near overhead transmission lines, and its safe operation interval should fit the needs of Chapter III of this book, otherwise it is necessary to adopt security measures.

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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