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Selection and placement of the steel structure of convergence

Time:[2014-9-24]  Hits:4290

Steel structure construction method is probably the following: Constructs, trusses, truss structure and lattice shell structure, portal frame, such as stents.

When constructing selection, should summed thinking, all compared to the qualitative analysis of their different characteristics. In light steel industrial plant, when there is a greater load should consider hanging abandon portal frame selection grid. In the constructor will be constructed in a very good place to support the economy than simple node rigid structure. In high-rise steel structure buildings, often used a steel concrete composite structure.

Placement system constructed according to the characteristics of load conditions and scattered nature of inductive thinking, often said to be uniform stiffness, mechanical model clear, although able to bind or affect the size of a large load moving loads, making it the most direct line to pass to the foundation, lateral support studs should be evenly distributed symmetrically constructed multi-channel seismic line of defense should be to the level of progress of the column carrying capacity.

Convergence method for steel structure node is very important, a great impact on the structure of the different methods of convergence, for example, despite receiving some rigid nodes moment there is no problem, but there is a greater rotation, at the moment no lateral displacement should be selected in the software , or the practice of engineering deformation will occur is greater than the accounting data and other adverse conditions on the structure. Let stand in the planning, convergence of columns, beams, and support should be set between the hinged rigid once elected, will make the selection of members is too small, so that the tectonic deformation presented tortuous can even collapses.

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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