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How to avoid space H-beam steel structure plant variants

Time:[2014-9-13]  Hits:4305

How to avoid space H-beam steel structure plant variants

     H-beam space Foshan Steel plant diversity change, fully embodies the planners planning concepts, but the construction workers who have infinite test. However, there is a big advantage of the steel structure built in the 2008 Olympic Games construction projects, during which selected the H-beam, participating units brainstorming, innovation, different forms of construction chosen a different device technology, Foshan Steel construction experienced a bottom to the top, to carry out single to multi-mode, progress in the exploration, not only accumulated a wealth of construction experience, to push the steel construction industry also promoted, space steel structure is constructed of steel into the future direction, then space steel structure refers to those aspects of it?
      Altitude bulk law refers to small H-beam spell units or parts directly in planning ways to make the orientation of the total fight. Bulk law with full height bracket (ie, co-holder of scaffolding) Two law and cantilever method. Full bracket method used for parts assembly, and cantilevered law to fight more for small units in the high altitude of the total fight perhaps reticulated shell triangular meshes assembled. National Stadium steel structure works exactly the altitude bulk method chosen device.
      H-beam sub-section or sub-block device law, refers to the structure into a strip or block units, respectively, by a crane lifting to high altitude planning position in place, and then assembled into a whole unit approach. Beijing Olympic Basketball Gymnasium steel structure engineering, steel construction projects are the National Stadium this approach chosen device.
      All lifting method, or H-beam steel structure plant of all lifting method refers to the H-beam or truss always fight on the ground, the choice of single or multiple uprooted pole, one or more construction crane hoisting the way. Place and post the total dislocation fight plan, grid or truss after lifting the other (rectangular) shaped structure in the air plane needs translation, demand for rotating circular structure in the air and then lowered into place one viewpoint, this program suitable pull the lever lifting. OTC always chosen to fight the plan crawler, tower crane lifting. A typical representative of this approach applied in the construction of structural steel in the construction of Olympic projects is the construction of the Laoshan Velodrome.
      All improve law, refers to the grid on the floor makes up the whole place, with the lifting device (usually a hydraulic jack and strand) perpendicular to the plan will raise the elevation of the entire grid and secure way. National Conference Center project is the choice of this approach carried device.
      In addition to the construction methods of systematic, theoretical, domestic steel structure construction companies due to the large space witnessed the construction of steel structures, in terms of the details of construction steel structure has accumulated a large amount of available reference data and experience, which for steel construction and construction companies in the future to carry out, how to avoid space H-beam steel structure plant variants. Raise the level of the whole construction of the steel structure will undergo a profound impact.

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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