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Steel structure has many advantages

Time:[2014-9-6]  Hits:4542

Steel structure has many advantages
Foshan steel so there is a wide range of uses described above, because the steel and other raw materials to compare with the following number of advantages:

1 steel structure is the most reliable structure. Because steel wood body tissue is very uniform, the elastic modulus of the most significant (E = 2100000 kg / cm spoon, juice count as a foundation with an isotropic body in full compliance with the basic assumptions, so the steel structure of the juice calculate the most accurate, the most important structural steels are used to perform.

2 steel structure with masonry structures, reinforced concrete structure and wooden construction phase of this, is the lightest configuration. Because of the good mechanical properties of the steel can withstand a greater load, so that at a certain load, the cross-sectional dimensions to the desired continent structural member is minimized, while a larger amount of heavy steel, the steel member is able to maintain a certain degree of the lightweight, making for easy transport.

3 steel structure was constructed to facilitate mass production. Since the height of the mechanical properties of steel, only in the machining only cost-effective, so a single component consisting of mechanized manufacturing traceability structure are conducive to mass production.
4 steel structure when erected, is the most easily assembled structure. Because m -4 structure is composed of a single component (such as beams, trusses, columns, etc.) made ​​on site by welding, nail or screw up a good connection, so the construction fastest.

5 steel structure will enable us to make optimal use of the building floor (because the minimum cross-section column and beam height minimum), can build the highest and longest span buildings.

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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