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Prestressing steel reinforcement program

Time:[2014-9-3]  Hits:4173

Prestressing steel reinforcement program

[Problem] prestressed reinforcement steel student program?
[Answer] prestressing steel reinforcement and construction technology program:
Prestressing steel reinforcement program can be divided into two types, one is directly attached to the law, will be anchored at both ends and prestressed by adhesive paste on the surface of steel structures; generally applicable to the component surface relatively flat rod, for members or its local reinforcement; Second, adjust the beam as a prestressed cable stress, generally applies to the overall strengthening of the entire structure.
1, material: carbon fiber structural reinforcement for the main choice of PAN-based carbon fiber, the ultimate strength of up to 3500MPa, the elastic modulus of about 2.35 × 109MPa class of materials with epoxy resin system.
2, Design: According to the mechanical characteristics of the structure to be repaired, the force transmission path and the stress - strain field, to determine the amount of fabric, size and laying direction. Fiber orientation should be consistent with the injuries the largest component force direction. If the injury site in a complex stress state, the fiber orientation and stacking sequence should be consistent with the control of the main stress direction.
3, embedded tensioned prestressed technology: Foshan Steel reinforcement particularity prestressing need a simple way, the traditional way is often the first prestressing tension after anchoring, require relatively sophisticated tensioning equipment, and the corresponding reaction force means. In Anchorage, when the prestressing loss is relatively large. Embedded prestressed tension technology, after its characteristics is the first anchor tensioning to members and former anchor itself as a tensioning force device without complicated tensioning equipment. Tension is applied to the embedded technology can be divided into sub-prestressed prestressed, can produce an adhesive layer extrusion effect, improving the reliability of paste. Meanwhile, due to the use of the first anchor tensioning technology, small prestress loss, the method is simple and effective.
Above all finishing work according to the problem encountered in the actual participants made ​​reference, any questions, please timely communication, correct me.

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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