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Introduction H-beam

Time:[2014-8-30]  Hits:4256

   H-beam is a cross-sectional area allocated more optimized, strong weight ratio is more rational and efficient economic cross-section profile, because of its cross-section with the letters "H" the same name. Due to various parts of the H-beam are arranged at right angles, so H-beam in all directions have a bending ability, simple construction, light weight and structural cost savings and other advantages, has been widely used. 

   H-beam is divided into: 

   1.Wide flange H-beam (HW)

   2.The flange H-beam (HM)

   3.Narrow flange H-beam (HN)

   4.Thin-walled H-beam (HT)

   5.H-beam pile (HU)

   6.H-beam is a new kind of economic construction steel.

   H-beam cross-sectional shape of economic rationality, good mechanical properties, more uniform rolling extend the cross-section of each point, a small internal stress, compared with the ordinary beam, with a section modulus, light weight, saving advantages of metal can construction structure to reduce the 30-40%; has its parallel in the lateral leg, the leg-side is a right angle, assembled combined into components, saving welding, riveting work amounted to 25%. Commonly used to cut capacity requires commitment, stability, good cross-section of large buildings (such as factories, high-rise buildings, etc.), as well as bridges, ships, lifting transport machinery, equipment foundation, frame, foundation piles.

   H- steel is to optimize the mechanical properties developed from a cross-section of more excellent economy by word-section steel beam, in particular cross-section with the letters "H" the same name.

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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