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How long is the life of the steel structure house

Time:[2014-8-30]  Hits:5330

How long is the life of the steel structure house

At present, China's steel works are now basically at the mature stage, Foshan Steel major service groups is a new rural and urban reconstruction project in many high-rise construction and villas. Many users of the steel works was originally built whether seismic, energy saving, ring remain skeptical attitude, which is also produced marketing certainly resistance. After the Wenchuan earthquake and Yushu earthquakes, and other major disaster area, after witnessing the use of the people on the construction of earthquake-resistant steel works have certainly understanding. Followed continuously push forward the China energy industry policy, steel works built its unique advantage is gradually being accepted by all, energy saving, green, full of personalized steel works construction is changing everyone's living concept.

Steel Works built into China for a short time, was originally built only for temporary, until now, the steel works are still widely used in various forms of temporary construction. Steel works built on the use of nature has changed, is a permanent, suitable for human habitation, high-quality steel works construction.

It is understood that the steel structure engineering systems, its steel consumption most provinces, the material loss is almost zero. In addition, it also has built assembled fast, wind, earthquake, pest control, moisture, fire, etc., is a completely meet the energy requirements of the housing projects. Foreign residential construction has been using the system in recent decades of history. Because of this structure with seismic, thermal insulation, dry work construction, water conservation effect is remarkable, and short duration, and low cost, it is more and more welcomed by everyone.

Followed by China on the development of the deepening structural steelwork, steel works has now developed into a life of up to a hundred years of the new project, and is widely used in the construction of new rural and urban multi-storey, high-rise construction and villas, Chinese construction metal structurally Association: "China has already developed a set of steel structure engineering systems, represents the mainstream trend in today's world of advanced residential housing is built on the traditional Chinese way of a revolutionary breakthrough, at present, the system is now widely used in the construction of new countryside and a multi-city, high-rise residential, up to a hundred years of its life.

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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