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Steel has become the development direction of green construction

Time:[2014-8-23]  Hits:5019

Green steel construction industry has become the development direction

20th century, with a high degree of fire resistance, electrical insulation and thermal insulation, asbestos has been widespread concern, as an important fire protection, insulation and thermal insulation materials are widely used in commercial, public utilities and industrial equipment. Among them, the construction area is asbestos material consumption "big." However, in recent years, as people continue to improve cognitive level, relevant research shows that asbestos fibers can easily drift out of the object in the air, the body once inhaled asbestos fibers, will be attached to and deposited in the lungs, is truly being "killer" .

In China, in June 2011 launched the "wall material using a unified technical standards" relating to "construction and the construction of energy-saving design" has been clearly defined, carcinogenic asbestos fibers belong to prohibit the use of rich wall materials produced asbestos fibers and related sheet. So who is going to replace the tradition-rich asbestos building materials? In the current context of the new round of new urbanization, facing a huge shopping mall built in recent years, the rise in steel construction as the representative of green building by virtue of its being, applicable and efficient characteristics, becoming the future development direction of the construction industry.

Based on "green building action plan" and "circular economy development strategy and action plan for the near future," the requirements of the State Council issued various construction companies have started to seize Foshan steel materials, skills, and various other segments mall.

"Steel housing difficulties of skills that wall." Chinese construction [0.31% funding research report] Sciences Research Institute researcher Wang Minggui told reporters that China is currently a lack of new wall materials, the construction of industrial foundation is weak, the mall appears wall tile Goods less Zhicijiagao, steel housing industry can not meet the needs; also indirectly objective status quo steel housing "high cost, promotion difficult".

Thus, how to develop a "high quality and low," the new wall plates, as well as full steel "health, environmental protection," the advantage, based on the cost to do the mall steel housing can withstand the extent it relates to the related businesses in the future, whether the race occupied the commanding heights of the mall.

"Good job skills and innovation, on the one hand to achieve energy saving social benefits, on the other hand it is to protect the public living being, at the same time achieve significant mall effect." It Hangxiao [-0.17% funding research report] chief engineer Fang Hongjiang reports, independent research by Hangxiao by a wholly owned subsidiary of Zhejiang Building Materials Co. Jharkhand CCA produced grout wall panels and corresponding sets of skills, has become China's steel industry benchmark in the construction of the wall plate innovation. Fang Hongjiang further information, Jharkhand CCA board 100% free of asbestos, formaldehyde, benzene and other harmful substances to ensure the safety of the construction of human well-being. Insiders also pointed out that improving the skills of innovative steel construction business, the overall cost will be built close to or even lower than that of steel reinforced concrete construction costs, a key in the future development of the steel structure is built to popularize Chinese green core. Hangxiao chairman believes a single silver wood to steel as an important representative of green building through "reduce, reuse, capital, reduction a priority," the principle of circular economy development in the whole life cycle, the maximum limit of savings capital, protect the environment, reduce pollution, provide people with well-being, applicable and efficient use of space, from the root of all sectors to avoid the traditional construction of the "Achilles' heel."

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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