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Steel manufacture related test requirements?

Time:[2014-7-30]  Hits:4350

Steel manufacture about experimental requirements?
(1) Steel reinspection
When the steel is one of the following conditions should be expected before processing the next reinspection:
① foreign steel imports;
② mixing different batches of steel
③ there is doubt on the quality of proposed steel:
④ thickness greater than or equal 40mm, and accept the tensile force along the thickness direction, and the planning of the required plate;
⑤ the structural safety of the building grade level, large-span steel structure, steel truss and steel truss structure, the main force component selected steel;
⑥ specification does not contain the current planning and planning of varieties of steel required reinspection steel.
(2) convergence of information reinspection
1) Welding Information: On large, heavy and special Foshan welded steel optional data sampling inspection should be carried out, its results should meet the planning requirements and current national standards.
2) torsional shear strength bolts: use torsional shear strength bolts should be required to increase the convergence of pre-tension reinspection, the results should comply with the relevant regulations.
3) high strength large hexagon head bolts: Using the web interface should be required of high strength large hexagon head bolts retest the torque coefficient, the results should comply with the relevant regulations.
(3) skill test can generally be divided into three categories:
1) welding experiments
Steel weldability experiment, experiment welding skills, welding skills identification experiments are all part of the welding experiments, and welding skills identified for each experiment is the experiment works produced most commonly encountered. Welding skills identification is verified welding skills, is a measure of whether the producers have a production capacity of important information on basic skills, welding method without welding skills identification, skills factor can not be used for construction.
2) anti-slip coefficient of friction surface experiments
When the selection of steel components convergence friction type high strength bolts convergence, the convergence of surface treated to respond to the mating face of the Fan Wei shift factor can reach out plan prescribed value. Articulation surface treatment Wan Yunhe skills: Suo fried or blasting, pickling, grinding wheel, induction treatment.
3) Skill experiment
Complex components of the structure, when necessary skills before officially put into operation conducted experiments. Skills can be so single-step experiment, several steps can be so all or processes; individual parts may be so, but also so the entire component, even a mounting unit or all of the mounting member.


Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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