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Charge outbreak residential steel industry

Time:[2014-7-19]  Hits:4864

Career Charge burst residence Steel

Compared with conventional concrete, steel materials with high strength, high toughness, ductility and good features, which will bring in Foshan steel construction structural performance, economic performance, environmental performance and other areas of significant advantages. Especially the environmental advantages and advocate the construction of energy-saving ideas coincide. GF Securities believes that the strong support of policy, green building and construction of affordable housing for the growing need of shelter steel, steel professional domicile is in Charge burst point.
Lag caused by the promotion of high cost
Steel has been a century residence in the western developed countries to carry out pre-history, due to its unmatched by other structural advantages, steel industry has brought to the shelter of a deep-seated revolution, from the design, construction, and to a series of new materials the use of revolutionary change have emerged, which in the world of the future direction of carry home.
Currently the proportion of China's steel residence does not exceed 5%, and 50% in developed countries compared with almost beyond, China is still in its infancy, there is still much to carry steel shelter space.
Steel has a variety of advantages of energy saving, environmental protection, earthquake, etc., but it is difficult to promote the country in recent years. One of the key reasons that the cost, and the reason is the high cost of the new construction is in the form of the initial launch, various ancillary products shopping immature, and thus higher prices. According to literature scholars discuss the country shows that the construction of the economic cost of home construction steel construction 13% higher than the average.
Policy is expected to be launched soon
Since the Third Plenary Session of eighteen, the central government advocate of green, low-carbon conduct, vigorously promote the construction of green building and industrialization has become an important task for the construction of professional conduct. Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Housing explicit requirements of green construction in 2020 accounted for 30% of new construction beyond proportion, building construction and energy resource consumption levels close to or use of the process to reach this stage, the level of developed countries. Development and Reform Commission, Ministry of Housing also called "five-second" time required to complete the construction of one billion square meters of new green; By the end of 2015, 20% of urban construction reaches new green construction specifications.
Under this policy background, set as one of the advantages of green steel shelter over the government began to receive attention.
"Twelve Five" moments accelerate the construction of affordable housing more steel to carry home ushered huge opportunity. Steel duration fast, environmental conservation, an area less desirable features and affordable housing coincides with the government. By the hands of the government, shelter steel is expected in the "five" moment gradually extend it.
GF Securities
Funded advocate >>>
In support of policy, green building and construction of affordable housing for the growing need of shelter steel, steel residence is in Charge burst career point in time, the next few years, the growth rate will remain high time occupation. Optimistic Seiko Steel, Hung Road Steel, Southeast grid, Hangxiao companies made ​​every effort at the residence and domicile steel road of industrialization of the construction of this port brings the whole profession a profound impact.

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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