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The main problem of development of the domestic steel industry exists and Analysis

Time:[2014-6-25]  Hits:4839

The main questions and analyze the development of the domestic steel industry exists

Fit for the steel industry is energy-saving environmental awareness and sustainable development-oriented industries also be on improving. Government and research institutions in recent years, Japan, Canada, Britain and other countries published many articles devoted to the development of steel structure housing the advantages and measures.

Less steel research and development funding, standards and standards revision cycle is too long; standards and application of standards, procedures missing items, lag; steel standards and project planning, construction connection is not on standard protocols.


Foshan steel construction and installation of the company's processing plants and equipment, computer management, labor productivity need to be further improved and enhanced.

Steel lack of professional and technical personnel, especially in small and medium companies more missing. Product quality and management can not meet the needs of the market.

Industry associations and functional effects far place. In particular, the standards and guide the market order, service companies, steel market open areas, preparation of revised standards and training standards and other professionals is still a lot of work to do.

Planning concept and market demand. Such as the current super-tall buildings and most of the special requirements of the bid by a foreign architect planning program, although they do have in common planning concepts, but the connection node was too cluttered, not only supplies, but also for the production and installation brings Many problems, so that the project cost is too large.

Parts of the steel company blind horse, herd instinct, resulting in overcapacity households, wasting a lot of capital. Combined with steel prices, disorderly market competition, competing prices down causing loss of processing and installation.

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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