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The rapid growth of the domestic steel production and laid the foundation for the development of steel industry

Time:[2014-6-25]  Hits:5192

The rapid growth of the domestic steel production steel construction industry development foundation laid

The rapid growth of China's steel output has laid a good foundation for the development of steel construction industry:

Steel production

2005 Chinese steel production reached 349.4 million tons, accounting for 31.6 percent of global output, the sum of the United States, Russia, Japan and South Korea have been exceeded.

Steel construction accounts for about 5% of steel production, construction steel construction industry is one of the largest steel industry, steel production by 3% for the construction of steel structures, ie more than 1000 tons.

Large landmark has become fashionable to use steel structure, steel structure has been widely used throughout the industry showing a thriving scene.

Development of steel industry in Foshan

Early 1990s: Steel house built 300 million square meters / year, processing more than 100 tons of steel structure, steel structure production equipment more than 400 companies.

2005: Steel house built more than 28 million square meters / year, processing more than 1,000 tons of structural steel, there are market access conditions for the production of steel construction company thousands of devices. Supporting the construction industry and steel-related companies and is not registered there are tens of thousands of small companies. Where: annual output of 20,000 tons, about 50; part of the company's annual production of 100,000 tons or more. In the country bear a large number of complex structure, large-scale, high difficulty steel structure production, installation works, indicating that Chinese steel construction industry has a strong production capacity and a higher level of technology.

Steel construction industry estimates annual production of about 14 million tons, output of 10 billion yuan, construction and processing capacity to meet basic needs and is still expanding.

Market demand

The new annual steel construction industry, civil construction:

Tall steel structure 20, 1.5 million square meters;

Heavy industrial plants, 10 million square meters;

Grid, lattice shell 1500, 2.5 million square meters;

Space truss construction 20, 600,000 square meters;

Light steel door frame plant 10 million square meters;

Arched corrugated steel roof 2.5 million square meters;

1 million square meters of residential steel construction;

Bridges 300,000 tons; container 1 million tons;

Tower mast 1,000,000 tons; marine engineering 100,000 tons; urban construction steel 2,000,000 tons

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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