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Green STEEL BUILDING key promotion

Time:[2014-6-21]  Hits:5170

Green home construction steel promotion points
Because Foshan Steel shelter material saving, room rate, the advantages of cost-effective gradually been accepted, the relevant norms and standards have been promulgated standards of planning and construction, domestic steel supply enough, there are a number of the same residence as the dawn of steel steel shelter pilot and demonstration projects, development of steel shelter already has a good material and technical basis. Experts predict that the face of the relative decline after 2008 Olympic era construction market, construction of shelter construction market will become China's core, known as the 21st century 'green construction' adaptation of one of China construction steel shelter saving society requirements, will lead the future direction of home industry is getting closer and closer to us.

Currently, Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai and other steel construction of a number of pilot demonstration projects residence, as planned by the Beijing Construction Group Zhuzong dawn steel shelter homes Zone 1 Building B, is a combination of square columns and H-shaped steel sections pure steel systems. 'In addition to the use of pure steel structure systems, wall panels, etc. It also uses a new type of environmentally friendly building materials, especially fire retardant paint, no models using natural environmentally friendly materials, coating a thin, low cost construction at room temperature, no formaldehyde and other harmful substances, when the fire broke out a lot of smoke and no harmful substances appear. 'Morning responsible for the construction of shelter homes live in total steel Steel Company technical staff told reporters. As a new fire retardant paint, repair homes built by the Beijing Research Institute and Beijing meter paint factory joint research and development, has been identified by the Ministry of Construction of the Expert Group.

But in recent years, with the rapid growth of China's urban development and construction of steel production, steel construction highlights the huge faults: As one of the world's steel country, the share of steel construction throughout the construction industry in China accounted for less than 5 %, while the developed countries has reached more than 50%. As a green construction, steel structure built residence has been listed as the Department points to promote the project, especially in Chinese cities, more people, less land, and people's living environment, living space, such as the increasingly high demand for case, the larger scope of application of steel shelter has become a trend.

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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